Deep Sea Tuna HoutbayEmbark on an unforgettable adventure with the Captuna vessel, where epic boat trips await you! Deep Sea Tuna Houtbay R3,500.00 per person (Full day trip) Description Pelagics, Dorado, SkipjacksNow this is where we hit the BIG GUNS! Yellowfin Tuna from 80kg and more! Longfin Tuna, Dorados and Skipjacks are also some of the guys you can hook!This is a bucket list item! Make this one of yours and join us on this amazing fishing trip which will get your adrenaline pumping!Prices start at R21 000.00 for up to 6 guests to join as a full boat or R3 500.00 per individual to be joined into a group of six guests. Inquire about pricing as this may be subject to change. Safe fishing for the whole family! 100% track record. We’d love to hear from you Enquire For Deep Sea Tuna Houtbay Package From To Send View our Facebook page for our recent catches: